July 27th, 2014, 7pm-10pm
Lily Dale Assembly
Lily Dale, New York
Class Description: “It’s a widely held belief among mediums that communication between the medium and the spirit communicator is a two-way process: we receive information from the spirit world through our subconscious minds, and then go back to them as needed for clarification and details. Through this we’re able to blend with spirit deeply, and pass on accurate, evidential information to our clients. Why then, can communication become so difficult when our *client* requests us to ask the spirit communicator a question on their behalf? Does the answer have to do with the subconscious mind? The law of energy conservation? The switch between passive and active states of mind? Or might it have to do with one’s beliefs about what is and is not possible, in communication with the spirit world? In this workshop, we’ll engage in a series of mediumistic experiments designed to elicit answers to these questions, and further our understanding of spirit communication. This class is designed for both intermediate and advanced mediums, and will offer opportunities for both one-on-one and platform work.”